“Vague Memories of the Arctic” contemporary painting. acrylic on canvas. 18 in x 14 in
“Vague Memories of the Arctic” contemporary figurative painting
“Vague Memories of the Arctic” is another painting that manages to capture the strange melancholy mood of the image in my head that inspired it. It was also done with minimal use of models and executed quickly. If you listen to international radio over the Internet, you get to hear things like the size of the Arctic ice sheet this year was the smallest in recorded history, and that the last four summers were similar record breakers. You also hear things like the strength and intensity of hurricanes has increased by 50% since the 1970s, and that all these things were predicted by models of global warming. I remember how far-fetched those predictions seemed just 10 years ago, and how many people condemned the predictions as irresponsible and alarmist. Now that it is actually happening, I thought I would hear more detailed discussion of global warming in the US media. I think the corporations that control US media just want people to keep buying SUVs.